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The ten emblematic animals of Canada to discover during your stay
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Explore Canada
Canadians see nature as a key part of their national identity: different species of fauna and flora are renowned for...
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Maple syrup or honey? The advantages and disadvantages.
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All you need to know about maple syrup
Maple syrup and honey are both natural and healthier options than refined industrial sugar. If Honey is produced by...
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Lovers’ Day in Quebec
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Explore Canada
Valentine's Day, or lovers' day, is important in Quebec. Considered a day dedicated to love, it is celebrated by both...
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Agave syrup or maple syrup: how to make sure you make the right choice?
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All you need to know about maple syrup
Agave syrup has been little known for a few years, but it has gradually found its place in kitchens. As for its...
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The benefits and virtues of maple syrup
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All you need to know about maple syrup
Find out the latest news on the latest research on the benefits and the properties of maple syrup on health. To...
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je suis en recherche l'embouché au canada
By: MPUTU KAPINGA SALMON On 07/22/2023Cuisinier de puis six ans, j'ai eu l'occasion de passer de cuisinier d'un réfectoire centre de formation en cuisine. je passée une session de formation comme commis dans un restaurant de la ville , je maitrise la cuisine française ,cuisine congolaise , traditionnelle, ainsi que divers art culinaire européenne.
Demande d'emploi
By: COMPAORÉ Wendpousdé Blandine On 07/15/2023Bonjour je m'appelle COMPAORÉ Wendpousdé Blandine je suis intéressé dans votre entreprise.comment sont les procédures
By: Plantin abraham On 06/14/2023Boa noite chez amie eu cozinheiro mora em Brasil eu gostaria faz parte nos equipo para trabalhar juntos para leva gastronomía Brasil em Quebec merci
Chef de cuisine
By: Yassine lahrach On 06/04/2023Je cherche un emploi fixe dans la région du Québec ou n'importe quelle autre province francophone du Canada.
Demande d'emploi
By: Mudimu On 05/03/2023Bonjour je m'appelle Monsieur cedrick mudimu je suis intéressé dans votre entreprise comment les procédures